Tuesday 27 August 2013


There are many ways of earning money on the internet and writing online articles is one way to go. It is not that hard. All you need to do is a little research and then a lot of writing. You can write articles about anything as long as the English is up to standard and the article is very informative.

There are many articles that will teach you how to make money writing online articles.

In this post, I will show you How to Make Money Writing Online.
First of all, you should know some websites that you can make money from with your articles.

List Of Websites Where You Write And Make Money

This is one of the oldest and probably the best of all writing sites. As an author, you have a lot of options here. You can either publish articles under already existing titles or submit your own titles. This is a great thing for starting authors, because it helps you find something to write about.

Other big pros of helium are rating system and marketplace. I will shortly explain what they are. Marketplace is a feature that enables you to write articles on demand. You can earn a lot of money if you succeed in selling your article. You need to write high quality articles to succeed. It is important to participate in rating system.

You will not receive any payments unless you rate other articles. This is a great thing as you will read other articles. This will help you improve your own writings. You can join helium at www.helium.com

Triond is another great website that will enable you to make money writing articles. It is one of the best options for beginning writers. However, it is also a great place for skilled writers too.

There is a great potential for earning money at triond. This is due to several options you have. First of all, you earn money for your article’s views. Then you can invite some friends. They become your referrals and you will get money equaling 10% of their earnings.

However, do not worry! They will not receive any less than they would in case they were not your referrals.
Another great thing about triond is that they allow you to place your own Adsense ads with your content.

This can generate additional more income for you. You can join triond here www.triond.com

Associated content
Associated content is also one of the writing websites you should not skip. You will really make a lot of money from here. However, it is well-worth it anyway as you can submit the same articles you have submitted to helium, triond and other writing websites. Joining associated content can be done through www.associatedcontent.com

Bukisa is also a good site that you can earn money from with your articles, they also have a referral system that makes you earn extra cash if you refer someone to their website. You can join bukisa at www.bukisa.com

All of these websites allows you to submit your articles elsewhere unless you give them exclusive rights to your articles. There are also other reputable writing websites which you can earn lots of money from, they are listed below:

More Sites Where You Earn Money For Writing


As the title says, you write reviews on products and get paid for doing so. This website does not allow you to publish your articles elsewhere.

You can put your articles here. Publishers and webmasters can then purchase your articles and you earn money.

Hubpages do not pay you for views on your articles. If you want to make money here, you will need a Google Adsense account. When you sign up at Hubpages, link your Google Adsense account to it and whenever you submit any article, your Adsense ads will be displaced beside it and you will earn lots of cash when these ads are clicked.

Now that you know some great writing websites to start with, it is time for some more advice. You can make money just by writing and publishing online articles. However, you can make significantly more if you promote your articles.

This can be done through bookmarking and social networking websites (facebook, digg, reddit, dropjack and many others). Another great way of promoting your articles is to start your own blog. You can link to your articles related to your blog posts and get some more traffic to them.

Writing articles is not a difficult thing to do, you can write a good article in less than 2 hours. So hurry now and start making money online writing articles from Nigeria.

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